Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Boys and the Boy Crisis

The following entry comes from a newsletter by Glenn Sacks. My books for boys are being promoted with fliers that are included in the registration packets at the Boys and the Boy Crisis conference this weekend in Washington, DC. Anyone who is concerned about books for boys, and who lives close to DC, might want to attend.

Max Elliot Anderson
Author of books for boys

Boys and the Boy Crisis--Third National Men's Equality Congress, July 13-14 in Washington, DC
Boys and the Boy Crisis, the Third National Men's Equality Congress, will be held July 13-14 in Washington, DC. The speakers list is great--perhaps the best I've ever seen at a conference. Speakers include:
1) Matt O'Connor--leader of the English fathers' group Fathers 4 Justice. O'Connor has done more than anybody to raise awareness of the terrible social problem of children being separated from their fathers after divorce or separation.
2) Christina Hoff Sommers--author of the books The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men and Who Stole Feminism?. In The War Against Boys, Sommers asserts, "It's a bad time to be a boy in America," and takes a hard look at the boy crisis and the misguided policies which have helped create it. Who Stole Feminism? is a devastating expose of the way feminists have disseminated misinformation about men and gender issues via the media and academia, and helped poison our popular culture against men.
3) Warren Farrell--the intellectual wellspring of the men's movement, and the author of Father & Child Reunion, the Myth of Male Power, and others. Farrell is also an expert on shared parenting--to watch Warren speak, click on Warren Farrell's Case for Shared Parenting (Video).
4) Paul Nathanson and Katherine Young, co-authors of Spreading Misandry: The Teaching of Contempt for Men in Popular Culture and Legalizing Misandry: From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination Against Men.
5) Stephen Baskerville--president of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children and author of the soon-to-be released book Taken into Custody: The War Against Fatherhood, Marriage, and the Family.
6) Glenn Sacks--men's and fathers' issues columnist, commentator, talk show host and blogger.
To register for the conference, click here.
There will also be three 2+ hour pre-conference workshops, one conducted by Matt O'Connor, one by Warren Farrell, and one by Glenn Sacks. The workshops will start Friday morning and conclude prior to the conference opening that evening.
These workshops will allow the speakers to go into greater detail and allow participants to spend more time with our speakers. The pricing for early registrants will be $33 for each workshop. Attending these workshops is extra and separate from the conference. People can choose to go to none, one, two or all three.
To sign up for 'early bird' prices for these workshops and/or to register for the conference, click here.
The mover and shaker behind these conferences is Tom Golden, LCSW, a Washington, DC-area men's activist. Golden does an excellent job--both of the previous conferences he's held were well-attended and well-organized.

Additional information about Max Elliot Anderson
Author web site: http://www.maxbooks.9k.com
Reviews http://www.maxbookreviews.blogspot.com

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