Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Middle grade adventure/mystery - Troubles At Timber Ski Lodge is now published!

Middle grade adventure/mystery - Troubles At Timber Ski Lodge is now published!

Sibling rivalry and a neighborhood bully are only two of the troubles Eric faced. Eric Baxter is twelve-years-old. His little brother, Shawn, drives him crazy with every opportunity. The Baxter family moved to the lodge two years ago because Eric’s grandfather could no longer keep up with the place.
Unfortunately, it hadn’t snowed enough in those two years for the lodge to turn a profit, and there had never been extra money so the Baxters could buy the snow-making equipment that would have made all the difference.
It didn’t help matters to have Thunder Mountain Ski Lodge right next door. Vince Turner’s father owned the place, and the Turners were filthy rich. Vince reminded Eric of that fact almost every day.
One afternoon, the village authorities learned that a gold shipment had been robbed. The reports said that a small airplane had been stolen around the same time. It’s expected that the crooks might try to fly the stolen gold across the mountains.
What happens when the boys hear the drone of a small plane just as a fierce storm is moving in? And, will Eric be able to save Timber Ski Lodge before it’s too late?
An avalanche, sibling rivalry, and being chased by gold thieves only add to Eric’s troubles.

Order from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Troubles-at-Timber-Ski-Lodge/dp/1649499809/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CPTVUIIV5560&keywords=troubles+at+timber+ski+lodge%2C+anderson&qid=1690327591&sprefix=troubles+at+timber+ski+lodge%2C+anderson%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-1 

My Middle Grade Readers Blog: https://middlegradeadventureandmystery.blogspot.com

Born in 1946, I grew up with #ADHD but nobody knew what it was back then.

Born in 1946, I grew up with #ADHD but nobody knew what it was back then. So I suffered through school and hated every minute of it. I followed a life of film and video production and, in recent years, have written the kinds of adventures and mysteries I would have enjoyed as a kid. Back then, I also hated to read. https://middlegradeadventureandmystery.blogspot.com

Monday, July 17, 2023

It's time to get kids reading again!

“According to the asseassment, the average reading scores for 13-year-olds declined by four points and nine points in mathematics compared to NAEP's previous assessment during the 2019-2020 school year.”

“Only 14% of students reported reading for fun almost daily, a decrease of 3% lower than in 2020 and 13% lower than in 2012. The year 2023 recorded the lowest percentage of students who reported that they read for fun almost every day than all previous assessment years. In 1984, 35% of students reported reading for fun almost daily.” 

It’s time to get our kids reading again. Kids report reading one of these books is like “being” in an exciting movie. So turn off those electronic devices and find them a good book that will hold their attention and interest.Here’s a great place to start: https://middlegradeadventureandmystery.blogspot.com/ 

Friday, July 14, 2023

Troubles At Timber Ski Lodge soon to be republished.



Troubles At Timber Ski Lodge soon to be republished. 

Sibling rivalry and a neighborhood bully are only two of the troubles Eric faced. Eric Baxter is twelve-years-old. His little brother, Shawn, drives him crazy with every opportunity. The Baxter family moved to the lodge two years ago because Eric’s grandfather could no longer keep up with the place. Unfortunately, it hadn’t snowed enough in those two years for the lodge to turn a profit, and there had never been extra money so the Baxters could buy the snow-making equipment that would have made all the difference. It didn’t help matters to have Thunder Mountain Ski Lodge right next door. Vince Turner’s father owned the place, and the Turners were filthy rich. Vince reminded Eric of that fact almost every day. One afternoon, the village authorities learned that a gold shipment had been robbed. The reports said that a small airplane had been stolen around the same time. It’s expected that the crooks might try to fly the stolen gold across the mountains. What happens when the boys hear the drone of a small plane just as a fierce storm is moving in? And, will Eric be able to save Timber Ski Lodge before it’s too late? An avalanche, sibling rivalry, and being chased by gold thieves only add to Eric’s troubles.

Information about more books for readers 8 - 13 at: https://middlegradeadventureandmystery.blogspot.com/