Monday, October 11, 2010

Raising Real Men, Surviving, Teaching, and Appreciating Boys

As an author of books, written especially for boys, I can tell you that, if a book gets a five-star review on Amazon, an author is pretty happy. But, when a book has fifteen reviews, and they are all five-star, it tells you that the authors must be doing something right.

Raising Real Men, Surviving, Teaching, and Appreciating Boys, by Hal and Melanie Young has achieved that recognition. And rather than simply adding my review of this book, I’d like to direct you to the page on Amazon where you can read all of those reviews for yourself.

My wife and I have had the pleasure of raising a boy and a girl. There is no question that they are quite different, and their needs are different as well. I’ve mentioned on this blog before that our daughter teaches second grade, in a public school, near a large city. She and I have often talked about the challenges she faces, in the classroom, in harnessing the energy of the boys who enter her classroom.

My reason for writing action-adventures & mysteries for readers 8 and up, especially boys, is because boys are looking for something different in the books they are willing to read. I also support any efforts to help reach out to boys and to help train them in the way they should go to become responsible, caring men in the future. This book accomplishes those goals and many more.

Hal and Melanie Young have six boys and two girls. They often speak on parenting, education and family policy issues, and their articles appear in publications that include Homeschooling Today, Homeschool Digest, The Freeman, School Reform News, and many others.

Raising Real Men is a practical guide that will be useful to parents, teachers, grandparents, churches, or anywhere that adults come in contact with boys.

If you care about boys - and I know you do - then this book, written from a decidedly Christian perspective, is a must for your library. But don't just keep it on a shelf; use it. I highly recommend it!

Visit the Youngs at 

A review copy of this book was provided by the authors. 

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