My writing journey began
eleven years ago. The books I write are action-adventures & mysteries for
readers 8 - 12 and up. And the path, like for most writers, has had its twists
and turns. My first publisher went out of business, forcing me to start all over
Today, 10 books have again
been published. I’d like to acknowledge my excellent agent in all of this,
Terry Burns at Hartline Literary.
Recently I signed contract
for action-adventures & mysteries that will be sold directly to public
schools in Canada and the US.
Since I grew as a
struggling, reluctant reader, even as the son of a father who published 70 +
books. It's extremely important to me to develop books, today, that kids will want
to read. If that doesn't happen, in a culture where more and more people admit
that they aren't reading books, then where will the next generation of readers
come from?
We know that reading helps
point young people to success in life, and I like to conclude my school
visits by telling students, “Remember, readers are the leaders others follow."
A 6 book contract has been
signed with Chestnut Publishing in Toronto, Canada. These will be
action-adventures & mysteries that will be sold directly to schools. Each
book is a stand-alone story. If you’re interested in books like this, you can
learn more at
Comfort Publishing has
republished several of my original titles, and has also made them available as
e-books. In addition, Comfort has released an original title. Two new manuscripts have been delivered to this publisher, a third
is in progress now, and more are planned for the future. Each is a stand-alone
Port Yonder Press has
released a traditional series, The Sam Cooper Adventure Series. Three books are
published with a fourth title in the works now, and they are also available as
e-books. Additional titles for this series are being explored.
NEWS # 4
Lighthouse Christian
Publishers has released The Scarecrow.
This title is especially designed for ministries, churches, and others who reach
out to children in especially difficult circumstances. The story reminds
everyone that there is a friend who will stick closer than a brother.
NEWS # 4
Work continues with Knowonder Magazine on short stories for
young readers. A fresh, new story can be found every day and can be accessed
on most electronic devices. Several of my stories have been published, others
have been purchased, and more will be written in the future.
CONTACT: Max Elliot Anderson
Children's Adventure Author
Signs 6 Book Deal
Author Max Elliot Anderson has signed a six book contract
with Chestnut Publishing Group of Toronto, Canada. Chestnut Publishing offers a wide variety of
books, especially for reluctant and struggling readers. Chestnut publishes
books under a variety of imprints, including High Interest Publishing (HIP),
which offers novels that are specifically written, edited and designed for
reluctant readers from ages 8 to 18. For some students, these are the first
books they will ever read from cover to cover. Anderson’s books will be
released as HIP publications.
Mr. Anderson is a multi-published author known for his action-adventures
and mysteries for young readers 8 years old and up. He currently has 10
published books for young readers.
“I’m particularly excited about this
relationship,” Anderson said, “because I grew up as a struggling, reluctant
reader myself. Nearly eleven years ago, I set out to write the kinds of books I
would have enjoyed as a child. Chestnut Publishing Group concentrates on reaching
out to struggling, reluctant readers, while providing exciting books that any
young reader will enjoy. And they specialize in selling directly to schools”
Bestselling author Jerry B. Jenkins
says, "Max Elliot Anderson brings a lifetime of dramatic film and video
production to the pages of his action adventures and mysteries."
And bestselling
author Bill Myers adds, "Max Elliot Anderson's Adventures are like good,
family movies."
Parents of young readers are the
most enthusiastic about Anderson’s books. One mother wrote, “I’m
not sure if I've ever seen my son so riveted by a book---he was hooked and
totally immersed himself in this read!” Another commented, “All literature
should make a child soar like this book did!”
others have made comparisons including, “This is Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn if
they lived in modern American suburbia,” and “Written in the manner of a good, old-fashioned Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew-style
“But my favorite comments,” Anderson said, “come
directly from the kids. I especially like
when they say that reading one of my
adventures or mysteries is like being in an exciting movie.”
This new line of books will contain high interest stories
and characters, while being easy for young readers to enjoy.
“It’s critical to make sure our kids are reading,”
Anderson said. “I think these books will help
in that important process.”