Friday, July 21, 2017

Comments from young readers, their parents, grandparents, and teachers about Max Elliot Anderson’s adventure & mystery books.

The best way to let people know about an amazing, effective product, is to quote others who are familiar with it. The following comments are intended to encourage you to try one or more of my books for middle grade (8 - 12) readers. These comments come from young readers, their parents, grandparents, teachers, and librarians.
“Max Elliot Anderson writes novels for kids who don't like to read to hopefully grab their attention and make them want to read. I personally will endorse his books because Mr. Anderson was the author that grabbed my reluctant reader and turned him into a reader.

“Reading one of these books is like being in an exciting movie.”
Coming Soon!
“I bought this for my son since we try and avoid the typical vampire, witchcraft and suggestive stuff out there for pre-teens. He loved it and wanted to order everything else from this author.”

“Readers of any of Max Elliot Anderson's books know that the books are guaranteed to be exciting, suspenseful, and geared toward kids.”

Coming Soon!
“I particularly like the way the author captures clever, boyish thinking and foibles as well as providing great descriptions of an amazing setting.”

“These books have adventures and mysteries to carry the reader from the first sentence to the end of the book. I would say they are a must read.”
Available Now!
“Books by Anderson are a treasure. The format is clear and easy to read. Each chapter has a great ending to pull you into the next chapter and before the reader knows it they have read a book! Good Summer Adventure.”

“I found this book refreshing and I am sure young boys and girls will find this book exciting.”
Coming Soon!
“The book was very exciting and it really kept me at the edge of my seat.”

My son has refused to read books, instead wanting me to read to him. He is now 12 and needs to be reading some books on his own. A friend who knew of my reading struggles with my son saw these books advertised for boys who don't like reading and told me about them. I bought 2 and he read them both in under one week! He loved these books!! It was just a matter of finding a book that kept is interest and these books did it!”
Coming Soon!
“The book reminds me of a more modern Hardy Boys story with more current problems and a tidy solution. It is something I would like to have my boys read.”

“My 12-year-old son read this book and loved it. He is already asking me to buy the other books in the series.”
Coming Soon!
“His books are written from the perspective of someone who knows from experience that boys (and girls too) need appealing books to read so that they can develop a love of reading. My nephew, who read this book as well, and my son are both "readers," but I know that that is not the case for many boys. If you have a reluctant reader in your family, you just might want to give this series a try!

“Written especially for preteens, the story uses exciting situations and humor to keep it interesting from beginning to end. And through it all the reader learns valuable lessons about what is really important in life.”
Available Now!
“There is excitement, adventure, with a few twists and turns for added fun. I will definitely recommend books by Max Elliot Anderson to my daughter, nephew, and my friends with kids in the 8 - 12 age group.”

“Max Elliot Anderson's books are destined to become classics along with such greats as Tom Sawyer, The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. Anderson is a talented writer; his books should be available in every local and middle school library.”
Available Now!
“My older two boys who are 8 and 10 years old LOVED these books. I have one boy who doesn't like to read, but it was easy getting him to read everyday with this series of books! They would come and tell me everything that happened in the part they read that day.

“An exciting plot will keep them turning the pages.”
Available Now!
“Max Elliot Anderson weaves this story of adventure and trust with deft fingers, bringing the story to life in a fulfilling and meaningful way. This book should be included on every young boy's bookshelf.”

“I believe this book will appeal to everyone. It was simple and well written. The end was so gripping I found myself sitting on the edge of the couch.”
Available Now!
“I found it exciting and completely entertaining! So did my 10-year old grandson.”

“This is a book that will grab you and hold you until you read the last word.”
Available Now!
“This is a fast paced story for young adults, especially boys but girls will also enjoy this story of adventure, action, finding a mission and staying alive. A must read.”

“Every once in a while, I get to revert to my kidhood and read a mystery like I used to love--ones on a par with The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. This one was every bit as good. If you have kids or grandkids (nieces, nephews, young friends--you get the picture!), you should get this for them. It's exciting, uplifting, and mysterious! Recommended for about age 8 and up.”
Available Now!
“Mr. Anderson writes exciting books geared for middle grade boys who are reluctant readers and I will vouch for his books as he is the one who caught my son's interest in the written word. If you have young boys or girls who don't like to read, try one of Mr. Anderson's books.”

I would happily take an Anderson book over much of what is palmed off as young people's literature today.”
Available Now!
“When I was young, going out to a movie was a family event. When the movie was really good, we applauded at its end. I have to admit that, upon finishing this story, I had the urge to applaud! You will too, and if your family and friends wonder what has come over you, then loan them your book to read!”

“A Max Elliot Anderson adventure has excitement, humor, and good lessons. I highly recommend this book, especially for kids who haven't caught on to the value and fun of reading, and might need something to get them started.”
Available Now!
“To be honest, I've never read a Max Elliot Anderson book that I didn't thoroughly enjoy, and this one is no different. It gets a high five from me.”

“I'm finding that Max Elliot Anderson has a great grasp on writing for the mid-grades.”
Available Now!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Remember the Flooding Pictures?

Not long ago, we had nearly 5" of rainfall in just a few hours. I posted pictures of the flooded area which is actually designed to collect water so more severe flooding doesn't occur below.

This is obviously the flooded area #1 BEFORE


This is obviously the flooded area #2 BEFORE


To appreciate the size of this place, that's a pickup truck in the distance, in the right corner of the concrete strip, and the collection area extends much farther off to the left of the screen in all these pictures.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Your books were popular to be stolen from my library!

Your books were popular to be stolen from my library!

I must begin by saying I’m not advocating the stealing of any book. But I want to relate something to you that might cause you to take a closer look at my adventures and mysteries for middle grade readers.

I grew up hating to read. Because off this, I followed a career of film, video, and television commercial production. Since I am a visual learner, this field was a good match for me. Still I wondered why I hadn’t enjoyed reading as a child. On top of that, my father published over seventy books during his lifetime, and I never read any of them growing up. 
I’ve heard from many parents, teachers, grandparents, and others who report how these books of mine have made a difference in the reading interest of kids.

So I set out to write the kinds of books I would have enjoyed as a child. Today, young readers tell me reading one is like being in an exciting movie as they keep turning the pages. 

The following comment truly highlights the impact these books are having and how that could benefit the children in your family, or circle of friends and associates. It comes from a teacher/librarian in an elementary school.

“Your books were a popular set to be stolen this year. Thank you for the addition to my library. I have already started to repurchase books I had stolen. I don't make a big deal about it when they aren't returned. The funny thing is I know who checks them out. Any child in our school may check out my books. The books were lost to students in another teacher's Language Arts class. When books aren't returned I can only hope that others will read them.  I've had students tell me that their cousin took it to read and didn't return it.  What a great gift to have books passed around. 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

And what a great attitude she has. I hope her comment will encourage you to add my books to your classroom, library, or personal collection soon.  

Thank you,
Max Elliot Anderson

Coming Soon
                             Coming Soon
                              Snake Island

  Coming Soon
Troubles At Timber Ski Lodge

  Coming Soon
Whispers In The Graveyard

Coming Soon
Last Chance