It’s hard to believe, but summer is almost here. If you’re a teacher, it probably can’t come soon enough, so you can get that much needed break from the classroom.
And if you’re a parent, you’re already thinking of activities to keep your children busy and learning during those long summer days ahead.
One of the things I hear most often, concerning my action-adventures and mysteries, is that readers find it difficult to put them down. The good thing is, that’s how they were designed. Most chapters end with a cliffhanger, and the reader is never quite sure what’s going to happen next, or how the story will turn out.
Young readers have also told me that reading my books is like being in an exciting or scary movie. And wouldn’t you rather your young reader “read” a movie instead of simply watching another one?
My books have been ranked by Accelerated Reader. Six titles are rated for 4th grade, while Legend of the White Wolf is rated for 3rd grade.
If your child is like most, you’ll find that one of these books isn’t going to be enough. Make sure to check out the reviews at
http://www.maxbookreviews.blogspot.com There you’ll find nearly 50 pages of reviews which represent a cross section of thinking. They will help you in making your selection of titles.
When I set out to write books for boys, it was with the intent of creating the kinds of books that would capture the imagination of kids. It is my hope that this will be your experience with your young reader this summer.
Remember, these books are enjoyed by boys, girls, and…you might be tempted to take a peek yourself. I won't tell anyone. : ))