Not long ago, I came across a web site called Boys Behavior, from Troy Parish. Because of our mutual interest in helping boys, Troy invited me to write an article.
Confessions of a Reluctant Reader
Confessions of a Reluctant Reader
You may use this article at no cost by going to: http://confessionsreluctantreaders.blogspot.com/
Here it is available without the pictures. Those are
available by emailing Mander8813@aol.com
Thanks for the article. I'm a public school teacher and have established a Guys Read club several times to encourage boys to read. I think that publishing companies are doing a great job publishing books that are geared towards guys. I do however, feel they need to try and write them short enough (Harry Potter may be cool but it's way too long) and at an easy enough level to engage struggling or reluctant boy readers. Much easier said than done I guess.
I agree with fiveunderfive. The Potter books have been wonderful for the publishing world, but they are definitely not geared to reluctant readers. The problem as I see it is, many publishers guidelines want books of a certain length, and they won't look at ones that are less.
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