Saturday, February 02, 2008

Boys Behavior

Boys Behavior

I’d like to introduce you to two excellent resources concerning boys, their development, and their reading habits. I hope you’ll find them helpful.

The first is a site called Boys Behavior. You can find them at Here’s the opening paragraph from that site:

“It is our belief at Boys Behavior that boys behave in a way that is unique and it is to be appreciated and not trained out of them. They are unique in the way that they are wired, the way they learn, the way they relate, how they are encouraged and the way they go from being boys to men. The purpose of this web page is to be a source of encouraging the recognition of these differences boys have from girls and to celebrate that difference, to encourage those that deal with boys to learn to appreciate the unique qualities of boys and be able to grow these young men with these fine qualities in tact. Here you will find a mix of helpful articles as well as resources available to accomplish these goals.”

They also have a blog where you can interact with others on these subjects:

The sites are maintained by Troy Parrish. Take a few minutes to check out his sites, then let Troy know you appreciate what he’s doing.

Max Elliot Anderson

1 comment:

Joel said...

Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Great resource you have here. I'm all for supporting literacy for boys. They are a tough crowd to motivate at times. I'll be back to look through your other posts later.