Friday, November 21, 2008

A Great Books For Boys Ad I Agree With

That's an ad I agree with.
This ad, and its web site, were inspired by James Patterson, because his son didn't like to read. I encourage you to check out his site.
After a recent Christmas, I received the following email.
“I gave my son (11) a couple of your books for Christmas. He is definitely a reluctant reader...I have to be on his case constantly to get him to read. When he opened the package I could tell he was not too thrilled with getting books until he saw that you wrote them. "
"Oh, these are THAT guy's books...thanks, Mom!"
"Later in the day I mentioned to him that I expected him to read the books."
He said "You don't have to tell me that, Mom...I want to read them!"
"As a Mom who is almost never without a book in her hand, it really warmed my heart to see him excited about reading!
Thanks, Max! And please, keep them coming!”
So, I hope you'll consider giving some of my books to the children in your life this Christmas too.
Max Elliot Anderson
See the above web site at

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